Yambu June Bearing Strawberry - Attractive Sweet Berries with Great Flavor- Spring/Summer Planting

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Yambu was developed in the Netherlands and is one of the most poplar new varieties in Europe. Yambu is an early mid-season variety, ripening similar season to Honeoye, one of its parents. Plants are very vigorous with dark green color and and is resistant to common foliage diseases. Fruits are bright red color, attractive, with uniform large shape and glossy skin. Yambu fruits for a long season and has shown to be very productive. 

Flavor is excellent with a very sweet taste. We highly recommend Yambu be planted when good plant vigor and excellent flavor is required! Yambo thrives in well-drained, slightly acidic fertile soil in USDA Zones 4-7 and Zone 8 on the West Coast.

U.S. Plant Patent #28,048