Puget Crimson Summer Bearing Strawberry Plants
- All shipping costs and royalty fees are included in price.
Spring/Summer shipping will be available for shipment in February 2025
Leave a note in Special Instructions to Seller at checkout for desired ship date.
Puget Crimson produces very large firm berries with an outstanding sweet rich strawberry flavor. This new 2010 release from Washington State University is one of the most productive strawberries available and has a longer harvest season than early season varieties. The berries ripen several weeks after early season bearing varieties. Enjoy fresh strawberries until after the 4th of July! Yields 2 - 3 times the yield of ever bearing varieties! One of the best varieties for fresh eating and freezing, plus preserves and jam. Popular home garden and you pick variety. Excellent disease resistance. USDA Zones 6-10. Patented variety, all royalties are included in price.
You will receive dormant bareroot plants that have been stored properly to ensure live healthy delivery. Plants are Inspected by the State of California to be Free of Diseases and Virus.
Please let us know when you would like us to ship. Please note that on 10 quantity, you have the option of USPS Ground Advantage or USPS Priority Mail. In hot weather over 80 degrees, we recommend the Priority Mail option which is faster than Ground Advantage. All quantities 50 and larger ship Priority Mail or UPS.
Please contact us for larger quantity orders, including bulk full carton quantities.
If your temperature is warmer than 89 degrees or colder than 20 degrees, we will hold order until temperature improves. Please put your desired ship date in Special Instructions to Seller at checkout.
All plants are inspected for quality prior to shipment. If plants are damaged in shipping, please let us know right away so we can help. If there is any plant damage, take a photo of the package and plants. This will help us solve the problem.