Horseradish Crowns / Roots / Plants - Easy To Grow - Hot, Vigorous, & Productive

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  • Regular price $14.95

 Heirloom Bohemian Horseradish Crowns Noted For Their Extra Large Roots - Easy to Grow - Very Hot!  Plant Any Time of Year

(Armoracia rusticana, syn. Cochlearia armoracia) A perennial member of the Brassicaceae family.  Cultivated for its large white tapered root that is grated and mixed with vinegar for the hottest horseradish sauce. 

Grows to about 5 ft tall. Selected for it's large size, vigor and productivity of large roots. Easy to grow, this plant will last a lifetime without replanting! Roots will grow up to 3 inches across and can be harvested the year after planting. These are large premium quality crown roots. Can be planted any time you soil is not frozen.

Plants come with detailed planting, growing and care instructions...and you can call or email if you have additional questions. 

1, 2, and 5 crown roots will be sent First Class Mail, 10 - 20 crown roots will be sent Priority Mail or UPS 3 Day Select.

We are prohibited from shipping Horseradish to customers located in Hawaii. Can be planted any time you soil is not frozen.

Price includes shipping

If your temperature is warmer than 89 degrees or colder than 20 degrees, we will hold order until temperature improves. Please put your desired ship date in Special Instructions to Seller at checkout.

All plants are inspected for quality prior to shipment. If plants are damaged in shipping, please let us know right away so we can help. If there is any plant damage, take a photo of the package and plants. This will help us solve the problem.

