Large Jerusalem Artichoke Tubers - Sunchokes - Helianthus Tuberosus- Freshly dug

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  • Regular price $35.95

Jerusalem Artichoke tubers for eating or planting. 

LARGE sized tubers. Dug the day you order. Please leave a note in Special Instructions to Seller at checkout if you want for eating or planting. 

For eating we wash tubers. For planting we do not wash tubers.

Can be planted any time the ground isn't frozen from now until Late April/May. Produces abundant tubers that can be used cooked as you would potatoes, or eaten fresh or in stir fry like water chestnuts. Great for diabetics or people on a diet. 

As a bonus, makes a great long lasting yellow daisy cut flower. A great non GMO vegetable that is easy to grow organically. Multiple eyes per tuber. Plant whole, or cut into pieces immediately before planting with 2 eyes per piece. Photo shows size of tubers. 

Plants come with detailed planting, growing and care instructions...and you can call or email if you have additional questions.

Price includes shipping. 1 pound shipped USPS Ground Advantage. All other quantities shipped Priority or UPS.

If your temperature is warmer than 89 degrees or colder than 20 degrees, we will hold order until temperature improves. Please put your desired ship date in Special Instructions to Seller at checkout.

All plants are inspected for quality prior to shipment. If plants are damaged in shipping, please let us know right away so we can help. If there is any plant damage, take a photo of the package and plants. This will help us solve the problem.

