French Pink Pussy Willow trees - 10 X-Large 10-12 inch cuttings to yield 10 trees in field or 20 in containers.
French Pink Pussy Willow trees are very fast growing...will grow 6-10 feet tall in one year. A great tree for windbreaks. shade or privacy screens. 10 easy to root 10-12 inch cuttings are shipped Priority Mail. French Pussy Willow trees will tolerate waterlogged and poor soil where other trees struggle. Will grow 20-30 foot tall and 20 foot wide in USDA zones 4-9. Plant in full sun or part shade. Attracts Birds.
This variety of Pussy Willow is called French Pink Pussy Willow...but the huge catkins are silvery grey, not pink. Great for growers supplying florist or the back yard gardener wanting a late winter cut flower that can be cut early and forced to bloom. Makes a fast growing privacy hedge screen.
Also good as a very early source of pollen for honey bees
X- Large cuttings are 10-12 inches long, and can be planted this length in the field or cut in half above a bud if planting in containers to yield double the number of trees.
In late winter and early spring can be planted this length in the field or cut in half above a bud if planting in containers to yield double the number of trees. You do not need a rooting hormone. Can be immediately planted by simply pushing cutting into moist soil so that all but one bud is covered. Water to keep cutting moist until it is rooted (usually 3-4 weeks)...then water weekly. In late Spring and summer simply put the cuttings in several inches of water to root before planting. Complete instructions with order.